In its early days was directed by great directors, such as Hans Winderstein, Hermann Zumpe and Ferdinand Löwe, that always demanded a high level to the Orchestra, which then would remain until today.Another objective was to reach throughout society, since in the past it was limited to wealthier social classes. In the years from 1910, it was known as Orchester des Münchner, still in private hands, during the first world war, it did not just activity, since musicians, were called to rows. After the war the Government took charge of it, putting the composer as director Hans Pfitzner, during the second world war, destroyed the Tonhall, the musicians had a long downtime for this reason. In 1979 , took over the direction the director Sergiu Celibidache, getting after his work, that of Munich Philharmonic Orchestra is one of the best in the world