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The great composer Beethoven showed already in his childhood being a genius.

His father faced the constant evidence of that was before a genius of music, encouraged these qualities, this has forged one of the greatest composers of classical music of all time.

Ludwig van Beethoven, born in Germany, his father quickly realized the natural talent of his son to the music. Beethoven really begins in the year 1779, was when she meets Christian Gottlob Neefe, his master's body, who directed him musically, and channeled it towards the study of Bach. It was member of the Orchestra of Bonn from 1783, and in the 1792 traveled to Austria to help with Haydn and Antonio Salieri which came to be known as piano composer, was a great success, later in the year 1795 triumphed as composer of piano from the year 1815 Beethoven was completely deaf, logically interpreter of piano career was truncatedHowever I had already written as composer multitude of works such as Septimino opera Fidelio, their first eight symphonies, his three last piano concertos, but despite hearing limitations, absolute deafness, had power of creating the Symphony No. 9, the Missa solemn, never listen to these wonders, but managed to demonstrate that music did not need to hear it to compose it dominated to such an extentsomething really amazing.

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