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Salt and cuisine, its importance and hazards.

Salt is the oldest flavor enhancer that exists, one of the main seasoning of any kitchen.

Humans can detect taste salty by the taste buds, one of the four most important flavours, another quality that has is to preserve food, and limit the fermentation of these, so varied from cured meats such as ham use, and the rest of them, use by the industry, for the manufacture of preserved foods, salted fish, its importance is unlimited, this is kind of this condiment face, although we must take care, not to abuse it, since everything or almost everything we consume contains amounts of salt, which means that we will be increasing without knowing our acceptable level for our health, therefore must be quite limiting salt that add to the daily meal, and moderate consumption of salted fish and other products that contain it in more quantity, to avoid cardiovascular problems, find the balance will be the wiser.

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