Network of integrated transport U -Bahn (subway) and train and bus, is very extensive, reliable, and practical, the bike is another option, is a medium very used in Berlin, a total of 500,000 cyclists in the capital, belong to the landscape, is a historical city, its wall that divided the city in two, separated families, suffered destruction after the war and its subsequent reconstructionrevived a new city while preserving its past history. The Brandenburggate, which was symbol of division, following the fall of the wall became the symbol of unity of Germany, the stately Boulevard that Marlene Dietrich sang. In Berlin there are more 400,000 trees planted after the war, another curiosity is that the first set of traffic lights in Europe working in the 1924, there is a replica, is hard to see him among so many tourists about 100,000 per day. In the eastern sector, Hackescher Marka went to market, and it still is today, it is a place of entertainment and traditional purchase, between ancient streets, sell all kinds of items from tomatoes, clothes, he is visited by a large number of tourists, who inevitably end up buying something. Another modernist type is from the year 1900 in the Hackescher Hoffe, buildings that were rebuilt after the war, and today is another place of interest, because of its large existing activity, theatres, shops, fairs. In nearby Alexanderplatz where you will find the Tower (Fernsehturm) Television, which was built in 1969 during the GDR, today is still the highest in the city at 368 meters of height, is the Town Hall (Rotes Rathaus) and the MarienkircheChurch, by its 180 museums and many other things Berlin is worthy to be visited.